项目作者: Yousrat

项目描述 :
UC San Diego Project 3: MERN stack Web application connects potential donors to caseworkers’ housing insecure and homeless clients.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Yousrat/giving-goods.git
创建时间: 2017-06-20T02:21:37Z



Giving Goods

This Web application connects potential donors to caseworkers’ housing insecure and homeless clients. The app displays individual client’s item needs.

Table of Contents



Technologies used

  • MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, NodeJS)
  • CSS3
  • HTML5
  • jQuery
  • NPM packages


NPM packages

  1. body-parser (Node.js body parsing middleware)
  2. express (Web framework)
  3. express-session (Simple session middleware for Express)
  4. axios (Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js)
  5. bcrypt-nodejs (A native JS bcrypt library for NodeJS.)
  6. bluebird (Full featured Promises)
  7. mongoose (Mongoose MongoDB ODM)
  8. passport (Authentication for Node.js.)
  9. passport-local (Local username and password authentication strategy for Passport.)
  10. react (JavaScript library for building user interfaces.)
  11. create-react-class (A drop-in replacement for React.createClass)
  12. react-dom (React package for working with the DOM.)
  13. react-notification-system (A React Notification System fully customized)
  14. react-router (Declarative routing for React)
  15. nodemailer (Sending e-mail from Node.js app)



Erin Glabe,
Yousra Elbana


Minhtuyen Mai,
Radhika Sivarajan

To Install on local machine

  • Git Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Go to the config directory and change development environment properties.
  • Navigate to the folder where the repository in Terminal.
  • Run the command npm install to download the required dependencies.
  • Run webpack and mongodb commands to initialize the connections and update bundle.js.
  • Then type node server.js in terminal inside the directory.
  • Then run below address on browser.


Screen record

Giving Goods


We would like to thank our instructors: George and Brandon, for their guidance and knowledge. As well as our TAs: Felipe and Travis for their assistance.