项目作者: salesforce

项目描述 :
Shadow DOM-piercing query APIs for the browser.
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/salesforce/kagekiri.git
创建时间: 2019-08-07T16:57:47Z

开源协议:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License



Shadow DOM-piercing query APIs. Supports:

API Interface Support
querySelector Element, Document
querySelectorAll Element, Document
getElementsByClassName Element, Document
getElementsByTagName Element, Document
getElementsByTagNameNS Element, Document
getElementById Document
getElementsByName Document
matches Element
closest Element



  1. npm install --save kagekiri

Query the document or a specific element:

  1. import { querySelector, querySelectorAll } from 'kagekiri'
  2. // query the document
  3. const elements = querySelectorAll('.container button')
  4. const element = querySelector('.container button')
  5. // or a specific element
  6. const elements = querySelectorAll('button', otherElement)
  7. const element = querySelector('button', otherElement)


A custom element:

  1. <my-component></my-component>
  2. <script>
  3. class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  4. constructor() {
  5. super()
  6. const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'})
  7. shadowRoot.innerHTML = '<span class="hello">Hello</span>'
  8. }
  9. }
  10. customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent)
  11. </script>

It renders as:

  1. <my-component>
  2. <!-- shadow root (open) -->
  3. <span class="hello">Hello</span>
  4. </my-component>

You can’t query the .hello element:

  1. document.querySelector('.hello') // undefined 😞
  2. document.querySelectorAll('.hello') // empty 😞

But with kagekiri you can!

  1. kagekiri.querySelector('.hello') // <span> 😃
  2. kagekiri.querySelectorAll('.hello') // [<span>] 😃

Your can even query across the shadow boundary!

  1. kagekiri.querySelector('my-component .hello') // <span> 😃
  2. kagekiri.querySelector('my-component > .hello') // <span> 😃



closest(selector: string, element: Node): Element | null

Find the closest ancestor of an element (or the element itself) matching the given CSS selector. Analogous to


Name Type Description
selector string CSS selector
element Node target element to match against, and whose ancestors to match against

Returns: Element | null


getElementById(id: string, context?: DocumentOrShadowRoot): Element | null

Query for an element matching the given ID, or null if not found. Analogous to

The default context is document. Choose another DocumentOrShadowRoot to query within that context.


Name Type Description
id string element ID
context? DocumentOrShadowRoot context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element | null


getElementsByClassName(names: string, context?: Node): Element[]

Query for all elements matching a given class name, or multiple if a whitespace-separated list is provided.
Analogous to

Unlike the standard API, this returns a static array of Elements rather than a live HTMLCollection.

The default context is document. Choose another node to query within that context.


Name Type Description
names string class name or whitespace-separated class names
context? Node context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element[]


getElementsByName(name: string, context?: DocumentOrShadowRoot): Element[]

Query for all elements matching a given name. Analogous to

The default context is document. Choose another DocumentOrShadowRoot to query within that context.

Unlike the standard API, this returns a static array of Elements rather than a live NodeList.


Name Type Description
name string element name attribute
context? DocumentOrShadowRoot context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element[]


getElementsByTagName(tagName: string, context?: Node): Element[]

Query for all elements matching a given tag name. Analogous to
The "*" query is supported.

Unlike the standard API, this returns a static array of Elements rather than a live HTMLCollection.

The default context is document. Choose another node to query within that context.


Name Type Description
tagName string name of the element tag
context? Node context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element[]


getElementsByTagNameNS(namespaceURI: string, localName: string, context?: Node): Element[]

Query for all elements matching a given tag name and namespace. Analogous to
The "*" query is supported.

Unlike the standard API, this returns a static array of Elements rather than a live NodeList.

The default context is document. Choose another node to query within that context.


Name Type Description
namespaceURI string namespace URI, or "*" for all
localName string local name, or "*" for all
context? Node context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element[]


matches(selector: string, element: Node): boolean

Return true if the given Node matches the given CSS selector, or false otherwise. Analogous to


Name Type Description
selector string CSS selector
element Node element to match against

Returns: boolean


querySelector(selector: string, context?: Node): Element | null

Query for a single element matching the CSS selector, or return null if not found. Analogous to

The default context is document. Choose another element or DocumentOrShadowRoot to query within that context.


Name Type Description
selector string CSS selector
context? Node context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element | null


querySelectorAll(selector: string, context?: Node): Element[]

Query for all elements matching a CSS selector. Analogous to

The default context is document. Choose another node to query within that context.


Name Type Description
selector string CSS selector
context? Node context to query in, or document by default

Returns: Element[]

How it works

kagekiri parses the CSS selector using postcss-selector-parser. Then it queries the entire DOM tree, traverses any shadowRoots it may find, and checks the selector from children to ancestors (the same way a browser would).

Note that it only works on open shadow DOM. Closed shadow DOM cannot be traversed.

Slotted elements are considered to be children of their slots (inside the shadow DOM) rather than children of their host components. If you don’t want this behavior, you can use the normal DOM APIs (e.g. document.querySelector() or document.querySelectorAll()).

See the tests for full supported CSS features.

The name

kage (shadow) + 切り kiri (cut).

Roughly, “shadow-cutter.”


  1. npm run build

Build TypeScript-based API docs using kagekiri.d.ts, inject them into the README:

  1. npm run typedoc


  1. npm test


  1. npm run test:debug

Test with coverage:

  1. npm run test:coverage


  1. npm run lint

Fix most lint issues:

  1. npm run lint:fix

Test bundle size:

  1. npm run test:bundlesize