项目作者: beehive-spg

项目描述 :
Diploma Project 2017/18 - HTL Spengergasse
项目地址: git://github.com/beehive-spg/beehive.git
创建时间: 2018-03-16T10:18:37Z

开源协议:Apache License 2.0




This repository acts as a connector of all necessary beehive components by using submodules for an
easier overview.


First of all clone the repository with:

  1. git clone https://github.com/beehive-spg/beehive.git

After that the submodules have to be downloaded. This can be done by issuing the following commands:

  1. git submodule update --init --recursive

The repository includes a docker-compose.yml file, which starts up all containers needed
for Beehive to work properly. The Frontend, Backend, Routing and Generator images will all be pulled
from docker-hub, only the database image has to be built manually.

Database Docker Image

To build the database image the following commands will have to be executed:

  1. # go to db directory
  2. cd database
  3. # build beehive-database image
  4. docker build --build-arg username=<USERNAME> --build-arg password=<DOWNLOAD_KEY> -t beehive-database .

Replace <USERNAME> and <DOWNLOAD_KEY> with your Datomic email address and download key.

Generator Environment Variables

For the Generator to work properly an environment file is needed. It should be named .env_generator
and located in the main directory.


Replace <GOOGLE_MAPS_GEOCODING_API_KEY> with your own API key aquired from here.

Start the Application

After building the database image locally the docker-compose file can be started with:

  1. docker-compose up

For details on how to interact with the individual components see the following links: