项目作者: ahf

项目描述 :
µCrypto is a thin wrapper for the OpenSSL API's that are missing in OTP's crypto application.
高级语言: C
项目地址: git://github.com/ahf/erlang-ucrypto.git
创建时间: 2012-07-29T14:23:17Z



Erlang µCrypto Library

Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Alexander Færøy

Authors: Alexander Færøy (ahf@0x90.dk).

µCrypto is a thin Erlang wrapper for the OpenSSL library. Most of the features
in this library should be upstreamed and integrated into the crypto module of
the OTP codebase.

Contributing" class="reference-link">Contributing

Contributions to µCrypto are welcome. Please go ahead and fork the project here
on Github and submit pull requests when you have something ready for review. I
will give feedback and once everything looks good, I will merge your
contributions into the mainline repository.

Continuous Integration" class="reference-link">Continuous Integration

We are using Travis CI for continuous integration.
When submitting patches, please ensure that the entire project compiles,
without errors and warnings, and ensure that our tests are passing successfully.

Build Status

