curve fitting in xarray
Xarray is a package providing labelled
N-dimensional arrays.
This makes it convenient for storing data in a variety of application domains.
Xfit provides an easy way to fit data contained in an xarray object
to an arbitrary nonlinear function using scipy’s curve fit.
This package is only on github (for now), so you can clone and install using
cd xfit/
python -m pip install -e .
If the dependencies were not installed automatically, they are:
We’ll briefly describe the two main fitting methods here.
We first import the necessary packages and make some dummy data
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xfit import *
# define slopes, intercepts and independent variable coordinates
ms = xr.DataArray(np.arange(6), coords = {'m_true': np.arange(6)}, dims='m_true')
bs = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0,10,6), coords={'b_true': np.linspace(0,10,6)}, dims='b_true')
xs = xr.DataArray(np.linspace(0,20,101), coords={'x': np.linspace(0,20,101)}, dims='x')
# create data
data_da = xs*ms + bs
data_da.values += 5*np.random.rand(101, 6, 6) # adding some noise = 'data'
We now have a DataArray
with three dimensions: one each for slope
and intercept and one for the independent variable.
For each slope and intercept, the data is a line along x
with the
slope and intercept described by the coordinate.
To fit this, we will need three things: the functional form which we
want to fit, a function to generate guesses of the parameters, and
a list of the names of the various parameters:
def linfunc(x, m, b):
return x*m + b
def linfunc_guess(x, y, **kwargs):
m_guess = (y[-1] - y[0])/(x[-1] - x[0])
b_guess = y[0] - m_guess*x[0]
return m_guess, b_guess
param_names = ['m', 'b']
With these defined, we can now perform the actual fitting, which
will be done with the fit_dataArray
fit = fit_dataArray(
data_da, # data to fit
linfunc, # function to fit to
linfunc_guess, # function for making guesses
lin_params, # parameter names
'x' # dimension to fit over
is now a Dataset
, containing the results of fitting our data.
The main results are contained in popt
, which has a dim
for each parameter
in the fit model as well as the same dims as the data_da
we fit over, excluding
the xdim
that we fit over.
The error estimates are stored in perr
which has the same structure as popt
and the full covariance matrix is stored in pcov
The fit
also contains some possibly useful information in its attrs
such as the function the data was fit to.
The process for fitting Dataset
‘s is quite similar.
Assuming we have the same setup as above, we make a Dataset
using the DataArray
from before, and fit it:
data_ds = xr.Dataset(data_vars={'lindata': data_da})
fit2 = fit_dataset(
data_ds, # Dataset containing the data to fit
linfunc, # Function to fit
linfunc_guess, # Function generating initial parameter guesses
lin_params, # Parameter names
'x', # Dimension name
'lindata' # Data variable name containing the dataArray to fit
and now fit2
is the same as fit
There are example notebooks of how to use the features in the doc/
folder of this repo.