项目作者: prysme01

项目描述 :
Magic Mirror 2 JEEDOM Module
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/prysme01/MMM-Jeedom.git
创建时间: 2017-11-14T10:42:30Z

开源协议:GNU General Public License v3.0


Magic Mirror 2 - JEEDOM Module

This module displays any JEEDOM command value. The information will be updated depending on the polling time.

If a PIR-sensor using MMM-PIR-Sensor module is used, this information will not be updated during screen off.

The infos will also not be updated when no instances of the MMM-Jeedom module are displayed on the screen (for example hidden by using MMM-Remote-Control or any carousel like MMM-Pages). This will allow to reduce the number of request to Jeedom API.
As soon as one MMM-Jeedom module will be again displayed on the screen, all the instances will request an update of the datas.

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Module installation

Git clone this repo into ~/MagicMirror/modules directory :

  1. cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
  2. git clone https://github.com/prysme01/MMM-Jeedom.git

and add the configuration section in your Magic Mirror config file :

Module configuration

(1st example of the screenshot) :

  1. modules: [
  2. {
  3. module: 'MMM-Jeedom',
  4. header: 'Jeedom Maison',
  5. position: "top_left",
  6. config: {
  7. updateInterval: 3000,
  8. jeedomAPIKey: "",
  9. jeedomURL: " or hostname",
  10. jeedomPORT: 443,
  11. jeedomHTTPS: true,
  12. jeedomAPIPath: "/core/api/jeeApi.php",
  13. sensors: [
  14. {
  15. idx: "127",
  16. symbol: "fa fa-bolt",
  17. customTitle: "Consommation Maison",
  18. unit : "Watt",
  19. },
  20. {
  21. idx: "695",
  22. symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-full",
  23. customTitle: "Temperature Rez de Chaussee",
  24. unit : "C°",
  25. },
  26. {
  27. idx: "773",
  28. symbolon: "fa fa-user",
  29. symboloff: "fa fa-user-o",
  30. customTitle: "Adrien",
  31. boolean : true,
  32. },
  33. {
  34. idx: "6031",
  35. symbol: "fa fa-music",
  36. customTitle: "Musique",
  37. hideempty:false,
  38. },
  39. ],
  40. Virtual_API: "", // Code APi de vos virtuals
  41. TempID: "5089", // ID pour l'info température
  42. HumID: "5088", // ID pour l'info d'humidité
  43. }
  44. },
  45. ]

Example how to use 2 infos on the same line :
(2nd example of the screenshot)

  1. sensors: [
  2. {//first info (value and unit only)
  3. idx: "1987",
  4. sameLine1: true,
  5. unit : "°C",
  6. },
  7. {//second info (title, symbol, value and unit)
  8. idx: "1988",
  9. customTitle: "Météo",
  10. symbol: "fa fa-sun-o",
  11. sameLine2: true,
  12. unit : "%",
  13. },
  14. { //this one display only 1 info on its line
  15. idx: "1996",
  16. symbol: "fa fa-cloud",
  17. customTitle: "Condition :",
  18. },
  19. {
  20. idx: "1495",
  21. //customTitle: "Grenier",
  22. sameLine1: true,
  23. unit : "°C",
  24. },
  25. {
  26. idx: "1496",
  27. customTitle: "Grenier",
  28. symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half",
  29. sameLine2: true,
  30. unit : "%",
  31. },
  32. {
  33. idx: "1499",
  34. //customTitle: "Cuisine",
  35. sameLine1: true,
  36. unit : "°C",
  37. },
  38. {
  39. idx: "1500",
  40. symbol: "fa fa-thermometer-half",
  41. customTitle: "Cuisine",
  42. sameLine2: true,
  43. unit : "%",
  44. },
  45. ]

Or (3rd example of the screenshot) :

  1. [
  2. {//first line : display the status of the heater occording to a boolean value
  3. idx: "228",
  4. symbolon: "fa fa-fire vert", //colors has to be defined on custom.css file
  5. symboloff: "fa fa-power-off rouge",
  6. boolean : true,
  7. customTitle: "Cuisine",
  8. },
  9. {// second line : display both thermostat mode
  10. //thermostat
  11. idx: "980",
  12. sameLine1: true,
  13. },
  14. {// and the thermostat target value
  15. //valeur de consigne
  16. idx: "966",
  17. sameLine2: true,
  18. unit : "°C",
  19. },
  20. {
  21. idx: "544",
  22. symbolon: "fa fa-fire vert",
  23. symboloff: "fa fa-power-off rouge",
  24. boolean : true,
  25. customTitle: "Salle Meca",
  26. },
  27. {
  28. //thermostat
  29. idx: "1262",
  30. sameLine1: true,
  31. },
  32. {
  33. //valeur de consigne
  34. idx: "1248",
  35. sameLine2: true,
  36. unit : "°C",
  37. },
  38. ]
  • HTTPS and HTTP is supported
  • you can define all the sensors you want
  • you can add several time the module in your Magic Mirror config and define a different updateInterval
  • symbol is based on Fontawesome
  • if you define the sensor as a “boolean:true” then you can :
    • add symbolon and symboloff depending on the sensor value (0 or 1)
    • add customTitleOn and customTitleOff depending on the sensor value (0 or 1)

Configuration Options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
updateInterval Update interval in ms

Possible values: int

Default value: 5000

Note: This value is in ms
jeedomAPIKey “Jeedom / paramétres / configuration / API . Activate the “Accès API JSONRPC” and take the API key globale of Jeedom

jeedomURL local or externe URL

Possible values:
jeedomPORT 443 or 80

Possible values: 443 or 80

Default value: 443

Possible values: boolean

Default value: true
animationSpeed Speed to animate the display during an update, in ms

Default value: 1000
displayLastUpdate If true this will display the last update time at the end of the task list. See screenshot above

Possible values: boolean

Default value: false
displayLastUpdateFormat Format to use for the time display if displayLastUpdate:true

Possible values: See Moment.js formats

Default value: ‘dd - HH:mm:ss’
sensors The list of sensor to be displayed, with extra config parameters :

  • idx: “1”, : Jeedom ID of the equipement to display. Can be found in “Resumé domotique”

  • symbol: “fa fa-tint”, : symbol to display if no other condition

  • symbolon: “fa fa-user”, : symbol to display when equipement is ON if “boolean : true,”

  • symboloff: “fa fa-user-o”, : symbol to display when equipement is OFF if “boolean : true,”

  • boolean : true, : if true, only the symbolon or symboloff is displayed

  • hiddenon: false, : info to hide if value is On

  • hiddenoff: false, : info to hide if value is Off

  • hideempty: false, : info to hide if value is Empty

  • customTitle: “No sensor define in config”, : Title of this sensor

  • customTitleOn: undefined, : Title to display when equipement is ON if “boolean : true,”. If customTitleOn is not set, customTitle is displayed

  • customTitleOff: undefined, : Title to display when equipement is OFF if “boolean : true,”. If customTitleOff is not set, customTitle is displayed

  • statuson: undefined, : Status to display when equipement is ON if “boolean : true,”. If statuson is not set, status from Jeedom sensor is displayed

  • statusoff: undefined, : Status to display when equipement is OFF if “boolean : true,”. If statusoff is not set, status from Jeedom is displayed

  • unit : “%”, : unit to display after the value of the sensor

  • sameLine1: false, : if true, it will be display on the same line than the “sameLine2: true”. Only the value and the unit can be defined in that case. See example above

  • sameLine2: false, : if true, it will be display on the same line than the “sameLine1: true”. The title and symbol define here will be used for both infos. See example above

Virtual_API This is the API key for update Virtual, you should find it on menu Params / System / API

TempID This is the command ID for virtual temperature information send to jeedom

Possible values: XXXX
HumID This is the command ID for virtual Humidity information send to jeedom

Possible values: XXXX


This project is licensed under the GPL License


Thank you very much to Mathias Arvidsson for his code and inspiration for MMM-Domoticz