项目作者: Meatloose

项目描述 :
webpack plugin to inline chunks in html webpack plugin
高级语言: JavaScript
项目地址: git://github.com/Meatloose/inline-chunks-html-webpack-plugin.git

Inline Chunks Webpack Plugin

webpack v4 support

This is a webpack plugin that inline your chunks that is written as link or script using HtmlWebpackPlugin.

It both can be use to inline manifest & css within link or script tag to save a http request.

It also can inline any other chunks.

This plugin requires HtmlWebpackPlugin v2.10.0 and above.


Install the plugin with npm:

  1. npm install inline-chunks-html-webpack-plugin --save-dev


  • inlineChunks: An array of names of chunk to inline.
    • chunk[.ext]: .ext is optional to distinguish chunk of the same name from the file extension.
  • deleteFile: delete file from asset default to false.
    1. //webpack.config
    2. const InlineChunksWebpackPlugin = require('inline-chunks-html-webpack-plugin');
    3. module.exports = {
    4. //.....
    5. //.....
    6. plugins: [
    7. //...
    8. //...
    9. new InlineChunksWebpackPlugin({
    10. inlineChunks: ['manifest'],
    11. deleteFile: true // do not build chunks
    12. })
    13. //...
    14. ]
    15. //.....
    16. //.....
    17. }
    Example Usage

Webpack‘s runtime changes with every build. For effective long-term caching, we separate the runtime code in manifest.js. This manifest.js is very small and increases our startup time as it is a separate http request. Inlining the generated manifest.js in the index.html is a solution.

Extract css bundle and split webpack runtime to manifest then inline it.

  1. // for explicit vendor chunk config
  2. {
  3. entry: {
  4. app: './main.js',
  5. vendor: ['react','redux']
  6. },
  7. output: {
  8. path: path.join(__dirname, "js"),
  9. filename: "[name].[chunkhash].js",
  10. chunkFilename: "[chunkhash].js"
  11. },
  12. plugins: [
  13. new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
  14. name: 'vendor'
  15. }),
  16. new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
  17. name: 'manifest',
  18. chunks: ['vendor']
  19. }),
  20. // extract css into its own file
  21. new ExtractTextPlugin('[name].[contenthash].css'),
  22. new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
  23. // your options
  24. }),
  25. new InlineChunksWebpackPlugin({
  26. // inlined app.css to the head and manifest.js to the body
  27. inlineChunks: ['manifest', 'app.css'],
  28. deleteFile: true
  29. })
  30. ]
  31. }


This project is licensed under MIT.