项目作者: NeedBrainz

项目描述 :
F3 Starter App
高级语言: PHP
项目地址: git://github.com/NeedBrainz/f3-starter.git
创建时间: 2019-10-30T13:01:10Z



Fat Free Framework Starter

PHP lightweight app starter with F3 (Fat Free Framework) configured in a modern structure close to Laravel.
It comes prebuilt with

  • Laravel-mix for assets compilation
  • Phinx for database migrations and seeding
  • TailwindCSS as CSS framework
  • Dotenv variables


  • WebServer (Apache or Nginx)
  • PHP (>= 7.2 recommended)
  • Composer
  • NodeJS (with NPM or Yarn)


Install php dependencies (if you don’t need Phinx and want the most lightweight version possible add the —no-dev parameter)

  1. composer install

Copy or rename the file .env.example to .env

VirtualHost Configuration

Configure your host to point to the public directory

  1. <VirtualHost *:80>
  2. DocumentRoot "/var/www/f3-starter/public"
  3. ServerName f3.local
  4. <Directory "/var/www/f3-starter/public">
  5. AllowOverride All
  6. Options FollowSymLinks +Indexes
  7. Order allow,deny
  8. Allow from all
  9. </Directory>
  10. </VirtualHost>

Application Structure

The directory structure is close to Laravel to offer a modern and more secure architecture.

  • The app folder is autoloaded and can contain your models/controllers/…
  • The config directory can contain your config files currently in the F3 .ini format.
  • The public is the only folder that need to be accessible to your host with the index.php file and all compiled assets.
  • The resources folder contains the uncompiled assets and the template files in the F3 Template Language
  • The var folder is for temporary files and logs.


If you are planning to use a database you can configure connection settings in the .env file.
Currently mysql, pgsql and sqlite database connectors are implemented.
The connection is established in the bootstrap.php file as F3 DB\SQL object which is included in the console, the public index.php and phinx.php (the pdo) for migrations and seeds.
If you want to check the configuration with the command

  1. vendor/bin/phinx test

You can see the phinx documentation (f3-starter is configured with phinx folders in /database/


For F3 (and console) the database is set to the variable DB variable. See the F3 documentation for mapping and request builder


Frontend Assets

For frontend assets modifications you will need to install required dependencies

  1. #if you use npm
  2. npm install
  3. #or yarn
  4. yarn install

The starter is configured with tailwindcss and laravel-mix. You can use the commands dev and prod npm commands for compilation.

  1. npm run prod

Check the laravel mix and tailwindcss documentation for more informations.


On the root of the application a console file hold a new F3 instance with the database configuration and a base class for output render.
It can be called simply in CLI, if you run without argument it should output the name of your application defined in your app config file.

  1. php console

You can read the CLI routes implementation in F3


For example to add a new test command you can add this line in your console

  1. $f3->route('GET /test [cli]', function($f3){
  2. Console::log('My Test Command');
  3. });

and call it with

  1. php console test