Personalized dotfiles installation
Dotfile management using Dotbot.
Brief introduction to dotfiles:
Optional dependencies depending on the environment.
~$ git clone --recursive ~/.dotfiles
For default installation (automatically detects host):
~/.dotfiles$ ./install
For installing a specific host:
~/.dotfiles$ ./install <host> [<roles...>]
# see meta/hosts/ for available hosts
# see meta/roles/ for available roles
For installing a single role/package:
~/.dotfiles$ ./install-role <roles...>
# see meta/roles/ for available roles
If you don’t want dotfiles to ask for any user input, you can use the DOTFILES_NO_INTERACTIVE
flag, such as:
~/.dotfiles$ DOTFILES_NO_INTERACTIVE=1 ./install
You can run these installation commands safely multiple times, if you think that helps with better installation.
In order to load the dotfiles, you need to run:
~$ source ~/.bash_profile
All linked files should be left as they are, unless you plan to commit changes to the dotfiles repo.
To add a custom behaviour to your shell, such as personal aliases, etc:
~/$ touch .extra
# Edit .extra with whatever customization you want.
# Example (for default OSX prompt):
# export PS1="\h:\w \u\$ ";
~/$ source .extra # To load .extra for current shell
for details.
Run list_dotfiles_functions
to get a list of available commands:
cleanup_ds # Recursively delete `.DS_Store` files under the current path
confirm # Confirmation wrapper. Usage: confirm rm -rf /tmp/folder
dot_progress # Fancy progress function from Landley's Aboriginal Linux. Usage: rm -rfv /foo | dot_progress
escape # Uber useful when you need to translate a weird path into single-argument string.
external_ip # Get external IP address
extract # Extra many types of compressed packages
fs # Determine size of a file or total size of a directory
kill_processes # Kill all process that match a pattern (`kill_processes ssh` kills all processes that contain ssh in their CMD string
la # List all files colorized in long format, including dot files
list_dotfiles_functions # List all function available in a shell
ll # Alias to use GNU ls and print directories first, with alphanumeric sorting
man # Enable coloured manuals
manpdf # Open man page as PDF
mkd # Create a new directory and enter it
msh # Open a tmux terminal inside a mosh session. Usage: msh <hostname> {session_name}
prettyjson # Pretty print json. Usage: echo {"foo": "lorem", "bar": "ipsum"} | prettyjson
pyclean # Clean all python cache files (works for both py2 and py3)
reload # Reload the shel
report_local_port_forwardings # Display all local port forwarding tunnels
report_remote_port_forwardings # Display all remote port forwarding tunnels
run_under_tmux # Run $1 under session or attach if such session already exist. Example usage: run_under_tmux 'rtorrent' '/usr/local/rtorrent-git/bin/rtorrent';
shell_is_interactive # Checks if shell is interactive
targz # Create a .tar.gz archive, using `zopfli`, `pigz` or `gzip` for compression
timer # Stopwatch to count execution time for a command. Usage example: timer ls -la
title # Set terminal titles in OSX
tsh # Open a tmux terminal inside an ssh session. Usage: tsh <hostname> {session_name}
update_dotfiles # Update and install latest dotfiles version
urlencode # URL-encode strings