项目作者: diolive

项目描述 :
Home finance management service
高级语言: C#
项目地址: git://github.com/diolive/cache.git
创建时间: 2016-07-18T18:26:12Z

开源协议:MIT License



Home financial management service

Platform stack:

  • ASP.NET Core 1.0 MVC
  • Entity Framework Core 1.0
  • Bootstrap 3 with Sandstone theme

Source code published by MIT license.
Key developer: Dmitry Vereskun (DioLive Studio)

How to run this application on my own PC (or hosting)

Get the code

Clone or copy this repo from develop or master branch.
develop contains latest deployed version.
master contains latest stable minor version.
Someday I will deploy independently stable and beta versions from these branches. Currently there is no deployed “master” version.

Prepare your environment

  1. Download the latest stable or daily .NET Core SDK for your operating system and platform.
  2. Find out the installed version of .NET Core Tools. It should has a format like 1.0.0-preview3-003221. There are two primary ways:
    • open command console and execute dotnet --version;
    • open folder with installed dotnet (C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk on Windows) and look to name of subfolders inside.
  3. Update target SDK version in global.json configuration file.
  4. Install MS SQL Server (tested on SQL Server Developer 2016) and type its name to Data Source= block in connection string within appsettings.json (currently it’s .\\MSSQL).
  5. Install latest stable NodeJS (required for command-line base utils).

Initialize the application

Most of these command could be done with F5 inside Visual Studio but I prefer to use a command console.

  1. Restore packages: dotnet restore
  2. Install bower (front-end package manager): bower install (if doesn’t work, execute npm i -g bower before)
  3. Install npm (at least for gulp): npm install
  4. Proceed default gulp task: gulp (if doesn’t work, execute npm i -g gulp before)
  5. Minify styles and scripts: dotnet bundle
  6. Migrate (or create) database for latest version: dotnet ef database update

Run the application

There are two steps: dotnet build and dotnet run, but you can simply skip the first one.
After successful run of application you will see the URL you can open in a browser:

  1. Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
  2. Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.