pyenv + Pipenv本地Python开发环境管理.pdf

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Py thon manage di de pendencies env py  •  Python
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Daniel van Flymen Follow • blockchain enthusiast & photographer • • south african
in nyc ✌
Oct 23 · 5 min read
Use pyenv + Pipenv for local Python
The missing guide for setting up a great local
development workow for your Python projects.
his is an opinionated way of developing with Python locally. You’ve
probably discovered that it’s a pain in the ass to manage dierent
projects with dependencies targeting dierent Python versions on your
local machine.
To complicate things, there are multiple ways of installing Python too:
Preinstallation by the OS
Using a package manager like brew or apt

“Python Environment” by xkcd
Using the binaries from
Using pyenv—easy way to install and manage Python installations

This guide uses pyenv to manage Python installations, and Pipenv
to manage project dependencies (instead of raw pip).

. . .
Installing pyenv
Let’s install via brew :
$ bre

Py/thon/manage/di/de/pendencies/env/py/ • /Python/ Py/thon/manage/di/de/pendencies/env/py/ • /Python/
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